Thani Oruvan is a 2015 Indian Tamil action thriller film directed by Mohan Raja and written by Subha. The film, produced by Kalpathi S. Aghoram, Kalpith S. Ganesh and Kalpathi S. Suresh under the production company AGS Entertainment, stars Jayam Ravi, Arvind Swamy and Nayanthara in lead roles. The plot revolves around IPS Officer Mithran who wants to arrest Siddharth Abhimanyu, an affluential scientist who uses hidden illegal medical practices for profit.
Thani Oruvan is a 2015 Indian Tamil action thriller film directed by Mohan Raja and written by Subha. The film, produced by Kalpathi S. Aghoram, Kalpith S. Ganesh and Kalpathi S. Suresh under the production company AGS Entertainment, stars Jayam Ravi, Arvind Swamy and Nayanthara in lead roles. The plot revolves around IPS Officer Mithran who wants to arrest Siddharth Abhimanyu, an affluential scientist who uses hidden illegal medical practices for profit.